The 396 Hz frequency is part of the ancient Solfeggio Scale. Discovered through numerology, 396 Hz is used in Sound Healing to help free the listener from fear and guilt, and to rebalance the root chakra.
The Solfeggio frequencies were created centuries ago and used by Benedictine monks to create chants and hymns. Originally the scale was limited to 6 tones, but in modern times a further 3 tones were uncovered.
This scale of healing tones has been proven to create a positive shift in health and wellbeing.

About the 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency
Our energy is easily blocked by stress, worry, anxiety of fear. We rue the past and stress over the future. Seldom are we present enough to embrace life and shake off this emotional baggage.
This leads to an imbalance in our lives and negativity takes over our thoughts. This has a knock-on effect on our health, including high cortisol levels and poor sleep.
396 Hz is the lowest of the original 6 tones of the scale – the other 3 were discovered later on. It therefore effects us at the root, thus its link to the Root Chakra and base of the spine.
The main benefit of the 396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is the cleansing of guilt and negative feelings associated with the past. It liberates us from fear and anxiety, unblocking this negative energy and rebalancing our aura.
This frees us our potential, removing the self-limiting obstacles created by the mind. It gives us hope from which to build, forming a firm foundation for the realisation of our goals.
396 Hz & the Root Chakra
As noted, 396 Hz is the lowest of the 6 original Solfeggio Frequencies and corresponds to the lowest Chakra of the 7 that make up the energy ecosystem, which is the Root Chakra.
In Sanskrit the Root Chakra is called Muladhara: Mula means “root” and Adhara means “support” or “base.” The Root Chakra is the foundation of the energy system and governs our sense of safety and security in life.
In short, if this energy center is unbalanced, we feel insecure and uneasy in life. You may notice that those who meditate and partake in regular Chakra clearance/balancing appear calm, relaxed and easy going – this is the reason why.
The Root Chakra is at the base of one of the most important areas of the body – the spine.
It is our spinal cord that connects our nervous system to the brain and, since most functions and movements depend heavily on the spinal cord, problems in this area can drain our energy and make us feel out of sorts.
When your Root is blocked by tension and the energy is disrupted, you may feel anxious, fearful, and generally uneasy. This can affect your thinking, relationships, and overall happiness.
The 396 Hz frequency's intrinsic relationship with the Root Chakra means its influence is far reaching.
Benefits of 396 Hz
- Liberates you from past feelings of guilt from wrongdoings and trauma
- Helps you let go of fear and live more in the present moment
- Relieves anxiety and feelings of stress, helping you to relax more and enjoy life
- Helps you overcome self-limiting obstacles and turn grief into joy
- Assists in rebalancing your Root Chakra and relieve tension and energy blockages in the base of the spine
In Summary
396 Hz is a foundation frequency, one that helps you re-center and re-build from. It is releasing and liberating, balancing and empowering.
It heals negativity and past trauma by liberating you from the feelings that accompany these barriers, helping you realize newfound joy and potential in life.
396 is a great frequency to listen to if you are starting over and focussing on new goals. It will help you cleanse your energy at the core (root), so that you can become stronger and happier.
If you want to know how best to use Solfeggio music, you can check out our user guide here.
I wanna to be relax and be smart
witch frequencies better for me?
Hi Kosar,
You will find all he frequencies relaxing, but specifically check these out:
432 Hz
528 Hz
741 Hz
639 Hz
174 Hz (Sleep)
Smart/Mental Clarity:
528 Hz
285 Hz
852 Hz
963 Hz
All the best!