New Beginnings (417 Hz)
New Beginnings (417 Hz)
- New Beginnings
- https://www.mindvibrations.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/New-Beginnings-417-hz-1-min-sample.mp3
- https://www.mindvibrations.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/New-Beginnings-417-hz-1-min-sample.ogg
– 1-hour of soothing 417 Hz meditation music for inspiration
– Instant high-quality mp3 download
Transformation is the bedrock of personal development, yet the impact of past traumatic events can hinder growth and positive change by lingering in the mind and preventing you from moving forward.
The 417 Hz frequency facilitates a paradigm shift, allowing you to confront the present and future with an inspired and renewed vigor. This revitalized spirit opens a pathway to positive, new beginnings.
Download your copy now to start enjoying new harmonious vibrations in your life.